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"What are you whispering ? Sorrow. Sorrow. Joy. Joy"

Emmanuel Lagarrigue - LOOP 2015

There are six months Emmanuel Lagarrigue went a project near Sao Paulo for Trienale Frestas. He worked around the notion of community with Maurice Blanchot. With people on site, he dug the first part of The Inavouable Community, centered on the figures of Jean-Luc Nancy and Georges Bataille, by translating and recording versions of these texts.

On the occasion of the Loop Festival in Barcelona he wanted to continue this research, considering this piece as an open shape and producer of meetings, ideas, situations and new forms at each stage of its existence. He has worked with art students of the Massana School in a workshop focused on the second part of the book of Blanchot, The Community of Lovers, devoted to the text the disease Death of Marguerite Duras. Again the meeting gave rise to exchanges and sound recordings.

The questions of translation and transmission are central in this issue part of ephemeral communities formed by the desire to give a possible existence in these reflections. The form of the final work is also totally dependent on available conditions where it was conducted : while in Sao Paulo strong visual device was selected, in Barcelona she takes the "form" of strict sound system (10 channels), without any visual dimension.

Antigo Hospital de la Santa Creu
(El Raval)
Hospital 56
08001 Barcelona

Emmanuel Lagarrigue