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From 19th may to 6th september 2021


With the support of Conseil départemental d’Indre-et-Loire

Gathered together by Anne-Laure Chamboissier, artistic curator, about ten artists were invited to live in places* in Touraine from spring to autumn 2021 following a creative residency. The theme "Living in the place" takes on its full meaning at a time when everyone is reviewing their lifestyles and the spaces that surround them. The artists renterrogate what constitutes these places, whether through the prism of their history, their architecture or their function. These works draw a new and sensitive cartography of the territory through their singular view of these places.

These sculptures evoke the pavilions of gramophones as well as the shape of marine whirlpools, the immersed part of which would correspond to the inner ear. They are dyed with black Indian ink, following a traditional and ancestral Chinese technique for treating the surfaces of ceramics. This surface jet-black colour allows the earth to present bluish colour variations according to their exposure to light. The pavilions then scattered on the floor are connected by black audio cables. They are then exposed like a sound "cloud" that evokes a flight of birds and draw a constellation. The artist creates a sound composition based on a work of recording the sounds inside and outside the Collegiate Church. The sounds seem to be extracted from the earth and resonate in the building like rumours and whispers like a continuous crackling noise...

*Castle of Azay Le Rideau, Chartreuse du Liget- Chemillé-sur-Indrois, Castle of Montrésor, Collegiale of Bueil-en-Touraine, Castle of Gizeux, Castle of Valmer-Chançay, Castle of Champchevrier - Cléré Les Pins, Priory of St Cosme- House of Ronsard- La Riche, Museum of Balzac- Castle of Saché, La Deviniere- House of Rabelais- Seuilly, Domaine de Candé-Monts, Eco Museum of the Véron.

CÉCILE LE TALEC, born in 1962 in Paris, lives and works in the Centre region. She has been working for many years on the relationship between speech, music, landscape, territory and writing. Her works are nourished by noise, sounds and words which she exhibits in the form of sound environments, sculptures, tapestries, ceramics, installations, video films, photographs and drawings/partitions. Since 2001, she has been researching whistling, droning, drumming, speaking instruments and mirror languages, which has taken her to the Canary Islands, Mexico, China, Tuva Republic, India and Japan.

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Cécile Le Talec