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From 10th april to 9th november 2021

Living the place: FLORENT LAMOUROUX

With the support of Conseil départemental d’Indre-et-Loire

Gathered together by Anne-Laure Chamboissier, artistic curator, about ten artists were invited to live in places* in Touraine from spring to autumn 2021 following a creative residency. The theme "Living in the place" takes on its full meaning at a time when everyone is reviewing their lifestyles and the spaces that surround them. The artists reinterview what constitutes these places, whether through the prism of their history, their architecture or their function. These works draw a new and sensitive cartography of the territory through their singular view of these places.
The first sightings at the Ecomusée du Véron brought Florent Lamouroux to the confluence of the Vienne and the Loire. The artist was looking for plastic waste that the river would have thrown away because, at that time of winter, the Vienne had overflowed. He then discovered a red plastic road marker deposited by the current on the heights of a peninsula. The incongruous decontextualisation of this road object in the natural environment was then the starting point for an attempt to integrate it into this bocage landscape by means of its recycling and transformation. With the help of a local plastics company (PVL), the beacon was crushed and then re-melted to create wire sculptures shaped by the artist’s hand.
In order to propose an ethical and aesthetic approach far from any domination of art over the landscape, the artist will carry out a micro-intervention in the pastures of the Ecomuseum: the threads will be stretched on the existing poles, giving back to this recycled object, its original function as a beacon, in adequacy with this new context.

*Castle of Azay Le Rideau, Chartreuse du Liget- Chemillé-sur-Indrois, Castle of Montrésor, Collegiale of Bueil-en-Touraine, Castle of Gizeux, Castle of Valmer-Chançay, Castle of Champchevrier - Cléré Les Pins, Priory of St Cosme- House of Ronsard- La Riche, Museum of Balzac- Castle of Saché, La Deviniere- House of Rabelais- Seuilly, Domaine de Candé-Monts, Eco Museum of the Veron.

Florent Lamouroux