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Living the place: Eric Mézan

Eric Mézan, The song of the bees (2020), DOMAINE DE CANDÉ-MONTS
Permanent work
Production : Conseil Départemental d’Indre-et-Loire

Gathered together by Anne-Laure Chamboissier, artistic curator, about ten artists were invited to live in places* in Touraine from spring to autumn 2021 following a creative residency. The theme "Living in the place" takes on its full meaning at a time when everyone is reviewing their lifestyles and the spaces that surround them. The artists renterrogate what constitutes these places, whether through the prism of their history, their architecture or their function. These works draw a new and sensitive cartography of the territory through their singular view of these places.

The Song of the Bees is a metaphor for the state of the world we live in. It invites us to listen better to the whispers of the world and to pay more attention to everything around us. The bees, these sentinels of the environment, emit a different buzz depending on the state of health of the beehive; if the queen dies, the buzzing is restless and plaintive; if the bee colony is in full development honey gathering, with its foragers in flowery fields and its workers busy pampering the "bees", their buzzing song is melodic and soft to the ear. To be as close as possible to the bees and share the warning signals they send us, a device for capturing and listening to the Song of the Bees has been designed by the artist. It is a sound sculpture-installation, called Ruche-Pavillon, set up in the park of Candé.

*Castle of Azay Le Rideau, Chartreuse du Liget- Chemillé-sur-Indrois, Castle of Montrésor, Collegiale of Bueil-en-Touraine, Castle of Gizeux, Castle of Valmer-Chançay, Castle of Cham-pchevrier - Cléré Les Pins, Priory of St Cosme- House of Ronsard- La Riche, Museum of Balzac- Castle of Saché, La Deviniere- House of Rabelais- Seuilly, Domaine de Candé-Monts, Eco Mu-seum of the Véron.

Eric Mézan