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Maison Atelier Jespers – 26th to 29th november 2015

Unpacking my Library #3 : ARCHI/ART

A proposition by Anne-Laure Chamboissier (ChamProjects) and Christophe Daviet Thery (Daviet-Thery Edition) www.daviet-thery.fr

The house-studio of the sculptor Oscar Jespers (1887-1970) in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert built in 1928 by the architect Victor Bourgeois (1897-1962) and historical monument in 1993, was, like his architecture, a center of the artistic avant-garde in the late 20s.

True to this spirit, its new occupants wished to revive this space are developing a program of exhibitions in which is inscribed the project Unpacking mu Library.
Asked to move and thus to be reactivated, the contents of this library varies, enriched according to his wanderings and context of appearance, so in this case this house- studio, manifesto of modern architecture. For this new unpacking it was therefore articulate choices around the selection of books revealing the eyes of artists on architecture which becomes a plastic material, sociological, political and even utopian and not strictly a visual representation of object or technique. The representation is not limited to the image, especially when it comes to the perception of this architectural space.
Finally, in order to understand the transversely book by confronting it with other mediums, it is also the report and the interaction between architecture and sound that will be discussed. So does a listening room will be dedicated to the project by American artist Steve Roden on the Schindler House in Los Angeles, which offers us an insight into a captivating soundscape.

Maison Atelier Jespers
Avenue du Prince Héritier 149
1200 Woluwe St Lambert

Friday 27th and saturday 28th november from 1pm to 5pm
Sunday 29th november from 2pm to 7pm
Opening : Thursday 26th november 2015 from 6pm to 10pm

Steve Roden