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Cornette de St Cyr Auction, Bruxelles - April 2011

Unpacking my library #1 : The Book as a Space of Representation

"Unpacking my library", echoing Walter Benjamin’s book, is a proposition revolving around the library as a meeting place, a place of dialogue, where all knowledge is compared, which caused Jorge Luis Borges to say: "I’ve always imagined that paradise would be a sort of library".

In many respects, this project organized around the library is also literary. Through its title borrowed from Walter Benjamin. Through its mobility which calls to mind Elias Canetti’s professor Peter Kien in Autodafé, who always carried on him a piece of his library. And lastly, through its nature, the library which inevitably conjures up Jorge Luis Borges. Summoned to move and thus be rekindled, the content of this library varies, and is enriched at the whim of its strolls and the context of appearance.

The inauguration of this concept in Brussels at an eclectic private library, had be a tribute to how the book is represented and defined via various artists’ books (Richard Prince, Martin Kippenberger, Jonathan Monk, Yann Sérandour, Wade Guyton…), and to the book as a compressed space of knowledge (Batia Suter, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Claire Morel…).
